Nov 22, 2022 PropStream

Help Us Plant 20,000 Trees With One Tree Planted!

Thanksgiving is a time to show gratitude and appreciation for all that is around us.

With Thanksgiving just around the corner, we want to show our gratitude for our communities and our planet by getting in touch with nature.

Giving back is a high priority at PropStream, as we’ve previously donated over $40,000 to charities like Autism Speaks and K9s For Warriors. To give back this Thanksgiving, we’re committing to planting 10,000 trees with One Tree Planted. Our goal is to lend a hand in beautifying our communities, help ecosystems thrive, and contribute to an overall healthier, happier planet.

If you’re not familiar with the organization, here’s One Tree Planted’s mission statement:

We want to make it simple for anyone to help the environment by planting trees. Together we can restore forests, create habitat for biodiversity, and make a positive social impact around the world.

We plant one tree with every dollar donated.

While we’re committing to donating the equivalent of 10,000 trees ($10,000) to this outstanding organization, we don’t want to stop there. In addition to the $10,000 we’re already donating, we want to spread the word about One Tree Planted while donating on behalf of our community members, up to 20,000 trees ($20,000)!

Here’s how you can get involved and have a tree planted in your honor:

Starting on November 22, 2022, we will post various social media features for One Tree Planted across all of our channels. To have a tree planted in your honor, all we’re asking you to do is comment with a tree emoji (any tree emoji you prefer!) or mention something you’re grateful for. For every user who comments, we’ll donate an additional tree (up to 20,000 trees total).

This social media event will go on from November 22-November 28, 2022.

Follow us on social media, so you don’t miss the posts:

At PropStream, we love giving back to our community, and we’re thrilled to work with One Tree Planted this Thanksgiving. In the wise words of Margaret Mead, a famous anthropologist:

“Never doubt that a small group of committed citizens can change the world; indeed it is the only thing that ever has.”

This November 22-28, join us in gratitude, comment with a tree emoji, and help us plant up to 20,000 trees!

Terms and Conditions

This corporate giving effort will be between Nov 22-28, 2022. Over this period, we’ll be posting a variety of One Tree Planted posts across our social platforms. When all posts are live, and the event has ended (Nov 28, 2022, at 11:59 pm PT), we will be tallying up comments and tree emojis on each One Tree Planted post separately and combining the results to determine our final donation amount. Only emojis from unique profiles on each post will count as one tree being planted. The same user can comment on separate One Tree Planted posts on each social platform (Instagram, LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, etc.) to have multiple trees planted on their behalf. Donations from this corporate giving event will be capped at $10,000 or 10,000 trees, in addition to the 10,000 trees already being donated. 

Published by PropStream November 22, 2022