Oct 11, 2023 PropStream

6 Reasons to Import Your List Into PropStream Using List Automator


In the ever-evolving world of real estate, staying ahead of the competition by having access to comprehensive data is crucial for success.

If you have already built a business for yourself, you likely have some old marketing lists lying around in your database. So, instead of building a new list from scratch, import your list into PropStream using PropStream's List Automator!

💡Psst: Learn how to import your list into PropStream with this video!

If you're still on the fence about using these lists, let alone importing your list into this powerful platform, here are six compelling reasons why you should consider making the move.

Table of Contents

1. Access to a Wealth of Data

2. Financial Information at Your Fingertips

3. Discover Linked Properties

4. Local Sales Data

5. Effortless Skip Tracing

6. Streamlined Campaign Management

1. Access to a Wealth of Data

One of the most significant advantages of importing your list into PropStream is its vast data access.

When you import your list, you can append basic property information and situational data (like pre-foreclosure, pre-probate, divorce, liens, failed listings, etc.) to help you identify the best leads. To quickly sort through the data, you can apply one of 19 Quick Lists and 120+ other additional filters.

2. Financial Information at Your Fingertips

2. Financial Information at Your Fingertips

Understanding the financial aspects of a property is vital for any real estate professional.

With PropStream, you can easily access financial information related to a property, including details about existing mortgages and debt. With this information, you can make more informed decisions about your real estate investments.

Or, you can find leads as a mortgage loan officer by targeting homeowners who may need to refinance or condense several loans into one, as PropStream offers data on up to four mortgages for a single property!

3. Discover Linked Properties

Property owners (often other real estate investors) sometimes own multiple properties.

Importing your list into PropStream helps you uncover owners with several properties (AKA “linked properties”) by analyzing tax addresses. This information can be invaluable when you want to expand your real estate portfolio or negotiate deals with property owners with multiple assets. Or, these owners may be interested in working with a property manager to streamline their day-to-day responsibilities associated with their properties.

If they’re ready to sell and move on to something bigger and better, the services of a talented real estate agent may be of value to them as well.

4. Local Sales Data

Understanding local sales data through comping can help you uncover hidden opportunities in that region. How? By comparing your lead lists against our data!

With PropStream, you can explore public records and MLS data to determine an estimated price of a property. This information is essential for setting competitive offers and ensuring your investments or listings align with market values.

💡Pro tip: Learn an estimated sale price for a property by running comps or “comparables.” Want to learn everything you need to know about running comps with PropStream? Try our free Academy course: The Art and Science of Sales Comps!

5. Effortless Skip Tracing

5. Effortless Skip Tracing

Skip tracing is a crucial tool in real estate for reaching out to those prospects you have saved in your lead lists. Luckily, PropStream makes it incredibly easy to skip trace one or several contacts with just a few clicks of a button!

Once your list is imported, PropStream can provide you with cell phone numbers, landline numbers, and email addresses associated with the property owner. Moreover, it will inform you which contacts are on the Do-Not-Call (DNC) lists, ensuring you understand any potential legal repercussions before cold calling.

⚡With List Automator, you can skip trace for as little as 10 cents per contact. Without List Automator, skip tracing costs 12 cents per contact.

6. Streamlined Campaign Management

In addition to detailed information regarding properties and homeowners, PropStream offers a robust campaign management section to help you take your marketing efforts to the next level.

Whether you want to set up a website, send postcards directly to your list, or launch email campaigns, PropStream has you covered. This comprehensive suite of tools allows you to engage with potential leads efficiently and effectively.

Try PropStream for 7 Days Free and Import Your Old Lead Lists

In a competitive real estate market, having access to all these features and data sets you apart.

With PropStream, you can browse expansive real estate data for the leads on your imported lists, as well as save an additional 50 free leads!

Use PropStream for 7 Days Free!

Once you’ve chosen a niche and set designated search criteria, add List Automator and import your lists to stay in the know.

Published by PropStream October 11, 2023