How to Stack Your Real Estate Lead Lists With List Automator

Records can appear on more than one real estate lead list. Let’s say you’re targeting properties with liens, but then you search that same area for pre-foreclosures. A property could fall into those categories simultaneously, so it would appear on both lists. Check out this video on how to find and target records that appear on more than one list, also known as “List Stacking.” This will identify high degrees of motivation and potential duplication.

Video Transcript: List Stacking

Here is how you can find and target the records that appear on more than one list. Also known as "list stacking," this will identify high degrees of motivation or potential duplication. Simply click on a list, scroll over to the marketing list field, and click on the field header so it changes into descending order.

This will bring the records that are in more than one list to the top, which will help you find the properties with the most motivation or possible duplication. Thank you for choosing PropStream!