Find New Sellers

Your Getting Started Guide: Search Filters to Help You Find Off-Market Properties and Save The Best Results.

Let's Get Started

When you’re ready to begin searching for properties, you can target specific areas by using the search bar at the top of the page.
Search by city, state, address, APN, or zip code (you can enter up to five zip codes).
Once you’ve narrowed down the region for your search, use our unique search filters or Lead Lists to identify motivated sellers.
Here are some common demographics you can target using our advanced filtering capabilities:

Distressed properties

Distressed Properties

Looking for a property to flip or sell to your partner network? Target distressed properties!

Apply these Lead Lists to find distressed properties:

Liens, Pre-foreclosures, Divorce, Pre-probate, Tax Delinquencies
Tired landlords

Tired Landlords and Out-of-State Owners

Property acquisition from existing landlords or out-of-state owners is a great PropStream search option for finding motivated sellers. To narrow down your search even further, combine the filters with property characteristics or owner equity levels!

Newly-Renovated Properties for Your Rental Portfolio

Want to add an off-market deal that a flipper is working on to your rental portfolio? Use our "Flippers" Lead List to find motivated sellers and connect with other real estate professionals in your area.
Empty nesters

Empty Nesters

Apply our "Senior Owners" Lead List to target empty-nester homeowners who may be ready to downsize. Or, use our filters to create a more customized search by targeting high-equity, owner-occupied properties that have been owned for more than 10 years.
Off-market properties

Off-Market, Vacant Properties

Homeowners with vacant properties may be motivated to sell if they're not using the property but are still paying for it. To find these homeowners, combine the "Off-Market," and "Vacant" filters.

How to Save a Marketing List

You've used our search filters and Lead Lists to identify the most qualified leads. Now, it's time to save these properties to a marketing list so you can refer to them when you're ready to pitch!

Tip: Exploring the property details of a lead can help you decide which properties you wish to save.

To save the properties…

  • Mark the checkbox next to the properties you’d like to save. Want to save several? No problem! The PropStream 7-day free trial allows you to save up to 50 (although we recommend saving a few to use on the mobile app!)
  • Once you’ve checked the properties you’d like to save, create a new list and name it “PropStream Trial” so you can easily find them later
  • To find your list, head over to the “My Properties” tab and you’ll see the list on the left with a number next to it indicating how many properties you’ve saved

Want to Learn More About Finding Motivated Sellers?

Take our free PropStream Academy Course - “Finding Motivated Sellers

In this course you'll learn how to:

  • Search with filters and stack them to find a specific demographic
  • Use our Heat Maps to identify the best markets
  • Manage lists
  • Stack your lists to find overlapping motivations to sell

And so much more!

Finding motivated sellers course